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Technical Study for a Ukrainian Heating Company

Imatran Lämpö Oy completed a Technical Study on energy efficiency improvements at a heating plant of a Ukrainian heating company. The Study is a part of the Finland Ukraine Trust Fund, a funding mechanism financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and managed by NEFCO (Nordic Environment Finance Corporation). The objective of the Fund is to promote energy efficiency and use of renewable energy in Ukraine. The Study was also a spin-off of the Twinning Project between Finnish Imatran Lämpö Oy and Ukrainian District Heating Company Miskteplovodenerhiya of Kamyanets-Podilskyi. The Twinning Project was implemented in the autumn 2019.

The study analysed possible technical improvements discovered during the twinning project. The most feasible of the studied solutions turned out to be a Flue Gas Condenser for one of the Bio Boilers. This clean-tech solution has been developed by Finnish condenser manufacturers and it is working in several boiler plants. With the best Finnish technology, it is possible to economically improve energy efficiency and decrease emissions of production of heating energy.

Imatran Lämpö Oy likes to use this opportunity to warmly thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and NEFCO for financing, Elomatic as the Project Consultant, personnel of Miskteplovodenerhiya and all other experts involved for very friendly and productive co-operation during this Study.



Turo Valkama, Project Manager, Imatran Lämpö Oy, NEFCO Technical Study for Energy Efficiency Measures at the Miskteplovodenerhiya DH plants –project, telephone +358 40 8350586

Vesa-Pekka Vainikka, CEO, Imatran Lämpö Oy, telephone: +358 20 617 4800
